Prince William flies into Nairobi for a Kenya Safari over Easter.

Britain’s Prince William, the Duke Of Cambridge, has flown into Kenya for a private visit and on Thursday 24th March held talks on conservation and security with President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House in Nairobi. During the meeting with President Kenyatta, Prince William pledged support for Kenya’s efforts to stem poaching and to conserve wildlife.
“We are determined to conserve our wildlife for posterity and welcome all the support we can get in this endeavour,” President Kenyatta said adding that he wished to send a strong message that trade in illegal wildlife trophies is not tolerated.
President Kenyatta and Prince William also discussed security and the global threats of terrorism which affect so many parts of the world. The President emphasised the need to deal with the root cause of radicalisation and Prince William commended Kenya for taking a leading role in the war against terrorism in the region.
Prince William will spend Easter in Kenya and will visit conservation projects and also is expected to attend the wedding of his friend Jessica Craig at the Lewa Conservancy, near the spot where he proposed to the then Kate Middleton on the slopes of Mount Kenya back in 2010.

Kenya Safari: Viewing White Rhino on Lewa Conservancy

For more information on visiting the Lewa Conservancy and where to stay: click here 

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