Each year Porini Camps close for the annual rains between mid April and the end of May. For the past few weeks our teams have been working hard preparing the tents, camps and Conservancies ready to welcome the new season’s guests. In Selenkay (Amboseli) this included re-creating tracks and the airstrip where the grasses and shrubs had overgrown and making new crossing points to replace bridges that were washed away by floods.
Closing the camps reduces our footprint on the surrounding landscape by avoiding our vehicles driving around the conservancies in muddy conditions so vegetation has a chance to regrow.
There is now a sense of rejuvenation in the Conservancies, with the flora and fauna refreshed by the recent rains. The plains game and other herbivores like elephants are attracted into the areas where there are new grasses and vegetation – and the Big Cats, hyenas and other predators welcome the abundance of prey.
We’d like to thank our guest David Campbell who recently stayed at Porini Amboseli Camp and shared with us these wonderful images that were taken on drives in Selenkay Conservancy and Amboseli National Park.
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