Travel Advisories for Kenya in October 2014

For some time now Kenya has featured in negative reports in the international media following a number of isolated incidents of terrorism in some parts of the country in the recent past and the incident at a suburban shopping mall in Nairobi a year ago, resulting in travel warnings being issued by several countries. This has caused people to worry that all of Kenya may be unsafe when the reality is that nearly all such incidents have been in places far away from any areas where we send tourists such as near the border with Somalia or in the back street slum areas of Mombasa or the suburb of Eastleigh in Nairobi.
The British government has just revised its Travel Advisory for Kenya on 29 September and has now lifted all warnings against travel to Nairobi (apart from the suburb of Eastleigh which should be avoided).The British High Commission in Nairobi indicated that they expect this will help visitors to be more confident when flying into the international airport and transferring to Nairobi hotels before going on safari. At the same time the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office clarified that there are no travel warnings on any of the famous safari destinations in Kenya and confirmed that all of the following may be visited without restriction: Aberdare National Park, Amboseli, Laikipia, Lake Nakuru, Maasai Mara, Meru, Mount Kenya, Samburu, Shimba Hills, Tsavo.
The present travel advice on places to avoid is as follows and we adhere to this strictly:

  • Avoid travel within 60 kms of the border with Somalia and avoid Garissa District – note: these are remote areas, with no tourism and we do not go anywhere near there.
  • Avoid Lamu County on the northern stretch of Kenya’s coast.
  • At the present time avoid Mombasa island and its environs between Mtwapa and Tiwi.
  • Avoid the suburb of Eastleigh in Nairobi.

saftey in kenya
At the coast, there are no restrictions on the airports of Mombasa, Malindi and Ukunda and there are no restrictions on beach resorts at Malindi, Kilifi, Watamu to the north of Mombasa or Diani and Galu to the south.
Kenya has had over 2 million visitors from overseas in the last two years who have had a great time here.  Something we hear over and over again from our guests is that they were initially a little hesitant about coming because they had been made to feel anxious by comments from family and friends before they left home but after arriving here they just couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about, felt very safe and found the Kenyan people to be charming and hospitable. They all tell us they plan to come back again as soon as they can!
Seurity in kenya
Kenya Safari
We live in Nairobi, visit all our leading safari destinations on a regular basis and look after thousands of customers every year.  We are here to take care of you from the moment you arrive at the airport in Nairobi until you leave at the end of your safari and your safety and enjoyment is our top priority. We look forward to welcoming you on a safari here in Kenya soon!
Co-operation of British government with Kenya to enhance security:
The British government is giving support to Kenyan government efforts to ensure heightened security at airports in Kenya by providing equipment  and training to assist in broadening aviation security detection capability at airports across Kenya. The British High Commissioner commented, “Aviation security is another vital element in protecting all our citizens from acts of terrorism. Security is a priority for us all, so I am delighted that the UK Government continues to work closely with the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority  in order to further strengthen the existing aviation security regime in Kenya.”

The British High Commissioner hands over equipment to the Kenya Airports Authority
The British High Commissioner hands over equipment to the Kenya Airports Authority

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