Lions Vs Crocodile in the Samburu National Reserve

On a safari arranged by Gamewatchers Safaris, Michael and Mia Banks together with their son Kai were on a game drive along the river in Samburu National Reserve and saw an exciting struggle between a large crocodile and 3 lions.There was an elephant carcass in the river with a pride of lions on one side of the river bank and a crocodile on the other side with the elephant carcass in between them. What ensued next was a priceless moment caught on camera by Kai Banks when the dominant male lion in the area, Lguret, assisted by the lionesses Nanai and Nabulu took on the crocodile. (Note: Male lions in the hot arid areas of Kenya such as Samburu and Tsavo do not have the heavy manes of the male lions in the cooler savannah plains like the Mara)
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