Gamewatchers Safaris delivers US $11,000 donation to local community

This week Gamewatchers Safaris & Porini Camps were proud to hand over cheques for over US $ 11,000 to the Ol Kinyei community as part of the ongoing Ol Kinyei Bursary Fund which supports the education of Maasai school children. 
The bursary fund has been set up to pay the school fees for children of the different Maasai families who live alongside the Ol Kinyei Conservancy, the area surrounding Porini Mara Camp and the community from which many of the camp’s staff belong.
Jake Grieves-Cook, the Founder of Gamewatchers Safaris & Porini Camps, handed the cheques to the Chairman of the Ol Kinyei community, Lemontoi Letoluo, watched by the manager of Porini Mara Camp, Jimmy Sengeny and the Ol Kinyei Conservancy Warden, Sammy Lempusia.
The fund is made up of a contribution from Gamewatchers Safaris & Porini Camps together with generous donations by Porini Camp guests Olga Michi & Lisa Marsden, Penny Bosworth, Jim Sandler, Barbara Douglas, Carol Robert, William Forrest, Melissa Schmidt, Roger Edgerly, and Sui-Chun Liu as part of Gamewatchers’ community outreach programme.

School children of Ol Kinyei Community

Speaking on behalf of the local Maasai community, Mr Letoluo said that the bursary was greatly appreciated by all the parents who were sometimes hard pressed to find the cash to pay their children’s school fees. He added that it demonstrated how conserving the wildlife could bring additional benefits.
Learn More
To find out more about the Ol Kinyei Bursary Fund (and other Outreach Community Projects) follow this link : Outreach Projects

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