The Maarifa Foundation Launch at Kishermoruak Primary School

Conservation education is critical and continuous process to raise awareness on conservation issues, understanding of natural resources, sustainable development and sharing knowledge with the next generation. The Maarifa Foundation (TMF) is a partner organization based in Australia, it works with Gamewatchers Safaris and Porini Safari Camp to impart conservation knowledge to the younger generation therefore, ensure the current generation understand their environment better, identify challenges facing conservation and thinking about possible solution.
On the 5th June 2021, TMF launched the Mazingira club, at the Kishermoruak Primary School located around the Ol Kinyei conservancy. This is a second school after launching the same project at Iloirero Primary school around Selenkay conservancy. The TMF is committed to support 30 students participating as Mazingira club members at the Kishermoruak Primary school. Besides, TMF has created employment by hiring an educator from the community to deliver sessions to the Mazingira club students.
The program plans to establish a conservation library equipped with environmental and conservation books, deliver fun and engaging conservation sessions to the Mazingira club members and a letter-writing exchange program with the Australian students. In the future, TMF will provide scholarship, school uniform for the students, establish a sustainable garden and organize conservation field trips.

Top left: the Mazingira club members with their educator Madam Jackline Saruni.  Top right: The Maarifa Foundation committee members.  Bottom left: Porini Safari Camps staff Ben Tongoyo and Headteacher Kishermoruak Primary school Madam Judy Karuara.  Bottom right: Ol Kinyei Conservancy Warden Simon Nkoitoi and Ben.
During the launch the students and parents attended the meeting. The students recited a poem on environmental destruction and human dependence on the natural resources. The Mazingira club members were issued with 35 library bags, pens, notebooks, crayons for note taking and writing letters. After the meeting, teachers, students, parents, and staff from Gamewatchers Safaris and Porini Camps participated in tree planting to mark the World Environment Day as well as the new beginning for TMF at Kishermoruak Primary school. It was powerful to see parents and teachers working together to pass on knowledge of tree planting and nurturing the trees with the younger generation who are the future environmental leaders and custodians of the Ol Kinyei conservancy.

Mazingira club members and a parent with students planting and watering the trees. Bottom right: the Mazingira club members issued with Kenya Wildlife Trust books.
Despite the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, Gamewatchers Safaris & Porini Safari Camp – in collaboration with clients and conservation partners – continues to support community projects to appreciate the sacrifices made by landowners contributing towards habitat and wildlife protection by leasing land for conservation. The GWS reminded the community on importance of habitat protection, sustainable development, clean and healthy environment to generations to come.

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